Website development

Your website being the cornerstone of your online presence, it is crucial to not only make it look professional and reflect your brand identity, but also function seamlessly and meet your goals.

Grow your business through quality web design

In a world where first impressions are often digital, credibility matters. A professional website signals to potential customers that you are a serious established business. Whether you're a lawyer, a beauty salon or a restaurant, having a relevant website instills trust and confidence, offering a centralized space for customers to explore your services, products, or menu. We craft websites that not only showcase your offerings, but also convey a sense of professionalism, building trust from the first click.

Building credibility and trust 😌

Conveying the essence of your brand 📣

Your brand is more than a logo, it's an experience waiting to be shared. A professional website acts as the virtual manifestation of your brand's personality. Whether it's the cozy ambiance of a coffee place, or the elegant flair of a flower shop, our websites speak the language of your brand, resonating with your target audience.

Making your business accessible anywhere 📱

Responsive design is not just a random feature for us, it's a commitment to ensuring your website looks stunning on every device. From the fluidity of navigation to the visual appeal, every aspect is carefully curated to ensure a seamless user experience, regardless of whether your audience is browsing on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. This adaptability not only enhances user satisfaction but also contributes to improved search engine rankings.

Meeting your objectives 🎯

Beyond aesthetics, a professional website is strategically designed to guide visitors toward key actions. We understand the importance of converting website visits into tangible results. Whether it's encouraging users to make a reservation, request a quote, or buy your products, our websites are constructed with intuitive navigation and strategically placed calls-to-action. This intentional design not only enhances user engagement but also contributes to the achievement of your business objectives.

Ensuring security 🔒

Security is not just a technical checkbox, and in a digital world filled with threats, it's a fundamental aspect of creating a credible and trustworthy online presence. By implementing SSL certificates that ensures a secure and encrypted connection, we not only protect users but also earn the trust of search engines.

Attracting through relevant SEO 🔍

From user-friendly URLs to a logical content hierarchy, every element is optimized to enhance user experience and capture the attention of search engines. Moreover, our website pages load fast, ensuring that your website not only meets the criteria set by search engines but also provides a seamless and enjoyable experience for users. In the same objective of being found by your targeted audience, we also strategically place keywords and phrases that are relevant to your business in titles, headings, meta descriptions, etc.

Here's an overview of what our websites can do for your company:

Our bundles 👇




✅ A one-page website

✅ Responsive


✅ Business email address

✅ Free SSL certificate

✅ Favicon

✅ Technical updates

✅ Google Maps integration

✅ YouTube videos integration

✅ Stock images

Images slider

✅ Links to social media

✅ Live Instagram feed

✅ Contact form

From 980€

From 1 250€

From 1 520€

These are indications of what we offer for indicative prices, but we understand that you may have specific needs and requests and would be more than happy to adjust to them!

✅ From 4 pages

✅ Responsive


✅ Business email address

✅ Free SSL certificate

✅ Favicon

✅ Technical updates

✅ Google Maps integration

✅ YouTube videos integration

✅ Stock images

Images slider

✅ Links to social media

✅ Live Instagram feed

✅ Contact form

✅ Online bookings

✅ Blog

✅ Newsletter subscription

Additional services

❇️ Messenger Live Chat: 35€

❇️ Whatsapp: 35€

❇️ Google Analytics + cookies banner: 80€

❇️ Google AdSense: 80€

❇️ Additional language: from 170€

❇️ Personalized code: based on the project

✅ E-commerce platform

✅ Responsive


✅ Business email address

✅ Free SSL certificate

✅ Favicon

✅ Technical updates

✅ Google Maps integration

✅ YouTube videos integration

✅ Stock images

Images slider

✅ Links to social media

✅ Live Instagram feed

✅ Contact form

✅ Online bookings

✅ Blog

✅ Newsletter subscription

✅ Google Analytics

✅ Cookies banner

✅ Product search bar

❇️ Written content: based on the project

❇️ Legal text (privacy policy, terms and conditions...): from 80€

❇️ Blog article: from 50€

❇️ Graphic identity (logo, color palette, fonts): from 200€

❇️ Graphic designs: based on the project

❇️ Videos: based on the project

We also provide audit for your existing website 🔍

Our audit goes beyond evaluating the visual appeal — it delves into the functionality, user experience, and overall effectiveness of your current website.

Holistic assessment

Our audit provides a holistic assessment of your existing website, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and untapped opportunities. From the clarity of your messaging to the responsiveness of your design, we leave no digital stone unturned.

Tailored recommendations

Based on the audit findings, we provide tailored recommendations for improvement. Whether it's enhancing navigation, modernizing your designs, providing missing information or improving coherence, our suggestions are aligned with your business goals and the dynamics of the market.

Professional implementation

Following our comprehensive audit, if you prefer not to tackle the recommended updates yourself, we can take care of the changes ourselves and make those enhancements directly to your website. The price of the direct implementations of our audit on your website will depend on the project.

Our support doesn't stop at your website. We understand that a cohesive online presence extends across all digital channels. If you're looking for a comprehensive review that includes your Google Business profile, social media activity or brand identity, we're ready to help. We can provide you with a clear evaluation to ensure your digital channels are working harmoniously to support your business goals. The audit of your overall communication strategy and practices starts from 170€.

The audit of your website starts from 50€ per page. The price decreases with the number of web pages.

Extended audit

We also provide audit for your existing website 🔍

Our audit goes beyond evaluating the visual appeal — it delves into the functionality, user experience, and overall effectiveness of your current website.

Holistic assessment

Our audit provides a holistic assessment of your existing website, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and untapped opportunities. From the clarity of your messaging to the responsiveness of your design, we leave no digital stone unturned.

Tailored recommendations

Based on the audit findings, we provide tailored recommendations for improvement. Whether it's enhancing navigation, modernizing your designs, providing missing information or improving coherence, our suggestions are aligned with your business goals and the dynamics of the market.

Professional implementation

Here say that we can implement the changes ourselves. The price of the direct implementations of our audit on your website will depend on the project.

Extended audit

Here, say that we can extend the audit to their overall communication strategy (Google Business profile, newsletter, social media, etc.) The audit of your overall communication strategy and practices starts from 170€.






The price of the direct implementations of our audit on your website will depend on the project.

Website audit


The holistic assessment with tailored recommendations of your website starts from 50€ per page. The price decreases with the number of web pages.

Extended audit

The audit of your overall communication strategy and practices starts from 170€.

Grow your business through quality web design

In a world where first impressions are often digital, credibility matters. A professional website signals to potential customers that you are a serious established business. Whether you're a lawyer, a beauty salon or a restaurant, having a relevant website instills trust and confidence, offering a centralized space for customers to explore your services, products, or menu. We craft websites that not only showcase your offerings, but also convey a sense of professionalism, building trust from the first click.

Building credibility and trust 😌

Conveying the essence of your brand 📣

Your brand is more than a logo, it's an experience waiting to be shared. A professional website acts as the virtual manifestation of your brand's personality. Whether it's the cozy ambiance of a coffee place, or the elegant flair of a flower shop, our websites speak the language of your brand, resonating with your target audience.

Making your business accessible anywhere📱

Responsive design is not just a random feature for us, it's a commitment to ensuring your website looks stunning on every device. From the fluidity of navigation to the visual appeal, every aspect is carefully curated to ensure a seamless user experience, regardless of whether your audience is browsing on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. This adaptability not only enhances user satisfaction but also contributes to improved search engine rankings.

Meeting your objectives 🎯

Beyond aesthetics, a professional website is strategically designed to guide visitors toward key actions. We understand the importance of converting website visits into tangible results. Whether it's encouraging users to make a reservation, request a quote, or buy your products, our websites are constructed with intuitive navigation and strategically placed calls-to-action. This intentional design not only enhances user engagement but also contributes to the achievement of your business objectives.

Ensuring security 🔒

Security is not just a technical checkbox, and in a digital world filled with threats, it's a fundamental aspect of creating a credible and trustworthy online presence. By implementing SSL certificates that ensures a secure and encrypted connection, we not only protect users but also earn the trust of search engines.

Attracting through relevant SEO 🔍

From user-friendly URLs to a logical content hierarchy, every element is optimized to enhance user experience and capture the attention of search engines. Moreover, our website pages load fast, ensuring that your website not only meets the criteria set by search engines but also provides a seamless and enjoyable experience for users. In the same objective of being found by your targeted audience, we also strategically place keywords and phrases that are relevant to your business in titles, headings, meta descriptions, etc.

Here's an overview of what our websites can do for your company:

Our bundles 👇




✅ A one-page website

✅ Responsive


✅ Business email address

✅ Free SSL certificate

✅ Favicon

✅ Technical updates

✅ Google Maps integration

✅ YouTube videos integration

✅ Stock images

Images slider

✅ Links to social media

✅ Live Instagram feed

✅ Contact form

From 980€

From 1 250€

From 1 520€

These are an indication of what we offer for indicative prices, but we understand that you may have specific needs and requests and would be more than happy to adjust to them!

✅ From 4 pages

✅ Responsive


✅ Business email address

✅ Free SSL certificate

✅ Favicon

✅ Technical updates

✅ Google Maps integration

✅ YouTube videos integration

✅ Stock images

Images slider

✅ Links to social media

✅ Live Instagram feed

✅ Contact form

✅ Online bookings

✅ Blog

✅ Newsletter subscription

Additional services

❇️ Messenger Live Chat: 35€

❇️ WhatsApp: 35€

❇️ Google Analytics + cookies banner: 80€

❇️ Google AdSense: 80€

❇️ Additional language: from 170€

❇️ Personalized code: based on the project

❇️ Written content: based on the project

❇️ Legal text (privacy policy, terms and conditions...): from 80€

❇️ Blog article: from 50€

❇️ Graphic identity (logo, color palette, fonts): from 200€

❇️ Graphic designs: based on the project

❇️ Videos: based on the project

✅ E-commerce platform

✅ Responsive


✅ Business email address

✅ Free SSL certificate

✅ Favicon

✅ Technical updates

✅ Google Maps integration

✅ YouTube videos integration

✅ Stock images

Images slider

✅ Links to social media

✅ Live Instagram feed

✅ Contact form

✅ Online bookings

✅ Blog

✅ Newsletter subscription

✅ Google Analytics

✅ Cookies banner

✅ Product search bar

We also provide audit for your existing website 🔍

Our audit goes beyond evaluating the visual appeal — it delves into the functionality, user experience, and overall effectiveness of your current website.

Holistic assessment

Our audit provides a holistic assessment of your existing website, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and untapped opportunities. From the clarity of your messaging to the responsiveness of your design, we leave no digital stone unturned.

Tailored recommendations

Based on the audit findings, we provide tailored recommendations for improvement. Whether it's enhancing navigation, modernizing your designs, providing missing information or improving coherence, our suggestions are aligned with your business goals and the dynamics of the market.

Professional implementation

Following our comprehensive audit, if you prefer not to tackle the recommended updates yourself, we can take care of the changes ourselves and make those enhancements directly to your website. The price of the direct implementations of our audit on your website will depend on the project.

Our support doesn't stop at your website. We understand that a cohesive online presence extends across all digital channels. If you're looking for a comprehensive review that includes your Google Business profile, social media activity or brand identity, we're ready to help. We can provide you with a clear evaluation to ensure your digital channels are working harmoniously to support your business goals. The audit of your overall communication strategy and practices starts from 170€.

The audit of your website starts from 50€ per page. The price decreases with the number of web pages.

Extended audit

Embracing technology is not a luxury; it's a necessary growth.

Embracing technology is not a luxury; it's a necessary growth.

We made their websites 💜

Delphine Collet, CEO of Mira Média

"I'm so happy to have benefited from the support of Namaste Communication for the creation of my website (!

The team, who already made an incredible job designing the agency's logo, was able to bring Mira Media's graphic universe to life, and above all to structure the very rich offering we propose.

The navigation is simple, the proposition clear, the calls to action well distributed. Users know immediately where they are, and can quickly navigate towards what interests them.

Emma and Manuel have modern, highly relevant mindsets; their advice is sound, and that's extremely reassuring and constructive when you're feeling overwhelmed by the scale of the task when it comes to promoting your business.

Namaste Communication takes care of everything, from hosting to uploading, and the tools they provide are easy to use if you need to add an article, for example.

I particularly appreciate Emma's creativity, thoroughness and professionalism, not to mention her impeccable French and spelling. A very rare combination of skills these days, for a more than reasonable budget!"

"Thanking the beautiful Emma for her responsiveness, her listening skills and her creativity!!!

All the necessary qualities brought together, to give new life to our website (IsoProjectAzur.Fr)!!! TOP! 🤩🥳"

Isabel Guerreiro, CEO of Iso Projet Azur

"I'd like to thank Emma for her total commitment and unfailing support in the management of our project to redesign our website. Her critical and analytical mind allowed her to carry out the SEO audit and optimization (with content writing), followed by the complete rebuilding of the website on Wordpress - among other things.

Béatrice Rouillard, administration manager of Novasecur

She was also able to adapt to the constraints of our business, to meet deadlines, and to be responsive and available to respond to our concerns.

The entire team of Novasecur highly recommends Namaste Communication, without any hesitation. We are convinced that Emma's professional experience, strength of character, ability to decide and be reactive will bring real added value. We'd like to thank her for her work, which continue to help us tremendously in our day-to-day business."

Thanks to her ability to listen and understand, she was also able to support us, advise us wisely and be a driving force on the writing of content and the creation of visuals and videos for our social media marketing.

Alice Collet, naturopath

"Thank you for my beautiful naturopathy website. I was able to express my requests and desires, and the team responded with a very good responsiveness and adequacy in giving my site the form that corresponds to my activity, but also to my personality. I recommend Namaste Communication, especially for communicating about well-being and personal development, as these are subjects the team is passionate about!"

Delphine Collet, CEO of Mira Média

"I'm so happy to have benefited from the support of Namaste Communication for the creation of my website (!

The team, who already made an incredible job designing the agency's logo, was able to bring Mira Media's graphic universe to life, and above all to structure the very rich offering we propose.

The navigation is simple, the proposition clear, the calls to action well distributed. Users know immediately where they are, and can quickly navigate towards what interests them.

Emma and Manuel have modern, highly relevant mindsets; their advice is sound, and that's extremely reassuring and constructive when you're feeling overwhelmed by the scale of the task when it comes to promoting your business.

Namaste Communication takes care of everything, from hosting to uploading, and the tools they provide are easy to use if you need to add an article, for example.

I particularly appreciate Emma's creativity, thoroughness and professionalism, not to mention her impeccable French and spelling. A very rare combination of skills these days, for a more than reasonable budget!"

"Thanking the beautiful Emma for her responsiveness, her listening skills and her creativity!!!

All the necessary qualities brought together, to give new life to our website (IsoProjectAzur.Fr)!!! TOP! 🤩🥳"

Isabel Guerreiro, CEO of Iso Projet Azur

"I'd like to thank Emma for her total commitment and unfailing support in the management of our project to redesign our website. Her critical and analytical mind allowed her to carry out the SEO audit and optimization (with content writing), followed by the complete rebuilding of the website on Wordpress - among other things.

Béatrice Rouillard, administration manager of Novasecur

She was also able to adapt to the constraints of our business, to meet deadlines, and to be responsive and available to respond to our concerns.

The entire team of Novasecur highly recommends Namaste Communication, without any hesitation. We are convinced that Emma's professional experience, strength of character, ability to decide and be reactive will bring real added value. We'd like to thank her for her work, which continue to help us tremendously in our day-to-day business."

Thanks to her ability to listen and understand, she was also able to support us, advise us wisely and be a driving force on the writing of content and the creation of visuals and videos for our social media marketing.

Alice Collet, naturopath

"Thank you for my beautiful naturopathy website. I was able to express my requests and desires, and the team responded with a very good responsiveness and adequacy in giving my site the form that corresponds to my activity, but also to my personality. I recommend Namaste Communication, especially for communicating about well-being and personal development, as these are subjects the team is passionate about!"

"Emma accompanied us on the association's social media management. She was creative, available and reactive.

Her positive and dynamic temperament makes it really pleasant to work with her.

I strongly recommend her!"

Anne Juvanteny, member of the association Collectif 224

Delphine Collet, CEO of Mira Média

"I'm so happy to have benefited from the support of Namaste Communication for the creation of my website (!

The team, who already made an incredible job designing the agency's logo, was able to bring Mira Média's graphic universe to life, and above all to structure the very rich offering we propose.

The navigation is simple, the proposition clear, the calls to action well distributed. Users know immediately where they are, and can quickly navigate towards what interests them.

Emma has a modern, highly relevant mindset; her advice is sound, and that's extremely reassuring and constructive when you're feeling overwhelmed by the scale of the task when it comes to promoting your business.

Namaste Communication takes care of everything, from hosting to uploading, and the tools they provide are easy to use if you need to add an article, for example.

I particularly appreciate Emma's creativity, thoroughness and professionalism, not to mention her impeccable French and spelling. A very rare combination of skills these days, for a more than reasonable budget!"

Alice Collet, naturopath

"Thank you for my beautiful naturopathy website. I was able to express my requests and desires, and the team responded with a very good responsiveness and adequacy in giving my site the form that corresponds to my activity, but also to my personality. I recommend Namaste Communication, especially for communicating about well-being and personal development, as these are subjects the team is passionate about!"

"I'd like to thank Emma for her total commitment and unfailing support in the management of our project to redesign our website. Her critical and analytical mind allowed her to carry out the SEO audit and optimization (with content writing), followed by the complete rebuilding of the website on Wordpress - among other things.

Thanks to her ability to listen and understand, she was also able to support us, advise us wisely and be a driving force on the writing of content and the creation of visuals and videos for our social media marketing.

Béatrice Rouillard, administration manager of Novasecur

She was also able to adapt to the constraints of our business, to meet deadlines, and to be responsive and available to respond to our concerns.

The entire team of Novasecur highly recommends Namaste Communication, without any hesitation. We are convinced that Emma's professional experience, strength of character, ability to decide and be reactive will bring real added value. We'd like to thank her for her work, which continue to help us tremendously in our day-to-day business."

"Thanking the beautiful Emma for her responsiveness, her listening skills and her creativity!!!

All the necessary qualities brought together, to give new life to our website (IsoProjectAzur.Fr)!!! Amazing! 🤩🥳"

Isabel Guerreiro, CEO of Iso Projet Azur

"Emma accompanied us on the association's social media management. She was creative, available and reactive. Her positive and dynamic temperament makes it really pleasant to work with her. I strongly recommend her."

Anne Juvanteny, member of the Collectif 224

Ready to upgrade your business? ✨

If you think it's time for a modern, compelling and efficient website that meets your goals and represents your brand the right way, we're here to help. Whether it's a fresh build or an update, we would be happy to handle the tech and marketing side so you can focus on running your business.

You can also contact us by e-mail or telephone:


🇬🇷 +30 694 965 3398

🇫🇷 +336 23 55 05 53

Fill in this form, and we'll connect with you soon to work on the website your business needs.

Ready to upgrade your business? ✨

If you think it's time for a modern, compelling and efficient website that meets your goals and represents your brand the right way, we're here to help. Whether it's a fresh build or an update, we would be happy to handle the tech and marketing side so you can focus on running your business.

Fill in this form, and we'll connect with you soon to work on the website your business needs.